Dr. Joyce Poole, the Co-Founder of ElephantVoices, has compiled a list of 8 things everyone can do to help elephants:

  1. Spread the Word
  2. Don’t Visit Circuses that Exhibit Elephants
  3. Don’t go on an Elephant-Back Safari or Trek
  4. Be an Eco-tourist
  5. Don’t Wear Ivory
  6. Support Elephant Conservation Efforts
  7. Support Efforts to Improve the Lives of Elephants in Zoos
  8. Ensure that your Local Zoo does not Import Elephants from the Wild

And I’ll add #9: Support the elephant conservation documentary, The Eyes of Thailand, with a tax-deductible donation to the film by clicking here.  It will take you to the secure online donation page for the film’s fiscal sponsor, the San Francisco Film Society.

For more information, please visit the ElephantVoices website.

ElephantVoices‘ mission is to inspire wonder in the intelligence, complexity and voices of elephants, and to secure a kinder future for them through research and the sharing of knowledge.  Their goals are to advance the study of elephant cognition, communication and social behavior, and to promote the scientifically sound and ethical management and care of elephants.

Dr. Joyce Poole.  Photo by ElephantVoices.

Dr. Joyce Poole. Photo by ElephantVoices.

Joyce Poole has a Ph.D. in elephant behavior from Cambridge University, and has studied the social behavior and communication of elephants for over thirty years, dedicating her life to their conservation and welfare. Her contributions to science include the discovery of musth in male African elephants, the description of the contextual use of elephant vocalizations, including those below the level of human hearing, and the discovery of vocal imitation.

-Windy Borman

Producer, Writer and Director, The Eyes of Thailand