Mines Action Canada and D.V.A. Productions (San Francisco), in association with Indiewood Pictures, are proud to announce the Canadian Premiere of “The Eyes of Thailand” at the One World Film Festival in Ottawa, Ontario. The film will open the festival with a screening on Thursday, October 11, at 6:30pm at the Library and Archives (395 Wellington Ave) and a Q & A with Director/Producer Windy Borman will follow. Tickets can be purchased online at: or through Mines Action Canada’s donation page .

“The Eyes of Thailand” is directed/produced by Windy Borman and produced by Tim VandeSteeg. The 8-time award-winning documentary, narrated by Ashley Judd, tells the heartwarming and heroic true story of Soraida Salwala, a passionate woman who dedicated 10 years of her life to help two Asian elephants walk again after losing their legs in landmine incidents.

Judd writes, “The Eyes of Thailand is a story of sacrifice and perseverance that shows how far one woman will go to save an endangered species from threats above and below the surface. I hope it will raise awareness to protect Asian Elephants—and all beings—from the terror of landmines.”

Mines Action Canada is thrilled to partner with One World Film Festival to bring “The Eyes of Thailand” to Canada during the 20th anniversary of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Paul Hannon, Executive Director said “This film demonstrates the indiscriminate nature of landmines and how in mine affected areas no one is safe until all the mines are cleared. Windy Borman graduated from our Youth Leaders training in 2010 during the filming of ‘The Eyes of Thailand’ and now that the film is finished we’re very excited to help One World Film Festival and Windy share this story with Canadians.”

Borman became involved in the landmine issue after meeting Soraida, Mosha and Motala in Thailand and seeing their journey from landmine victims to survivors. “Witnessing Mosha and Motala take their first steps on their new prostheses was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I cannot wait to share it with Canada – a country known for its leadership in the movement to ban landmines. I hope the film will serve as a reminder that there is still work to be done to eradicate landmines so that all beings can walk without fear” said Borman.

“The Eyes of Thailand” was awarded the “ACE Documentary Film Grant” from The Humane Society of the United States and the “Best Documentary” Jury Award from the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival. Salwala received the “Best Heroine in a Wildlife Film” Award at the International Wildlife Film Festival. The film has also garnered Humanitarian, Green, Animal Advocacy and Animation awards since its World Premiere in April 2012.

Interview opportunities exist with Director/Producer, Windy Borman on October 11, 2012.
Contact: Erin Hunt, Program Officer
Mines Action Canada
Phone: + 1 613 241-3777
Cell: + 1 613 302-3088

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