Corinne Morton taught her 6th Grade Science classes in Ithaca, NY (USA) about the plight of elephants in the wild and captivity. Inspired by The Eyes of Thailand trailer, three students wrote poems about Thai elephants.  Below is the final poem:

Thailand Elephants Cry for Help!

by Sequoia Kay-Hill age 11 Boynton Middle School

Thailand Elephants are from crying for help
With a Voice that must be heard
From being beaten, starved, maimed and distraught
From wandering earth with only one purpose
To be in a circus, zoo or working at a logging station
To make money and entertain tourists
From all over the world
To walking the streets begging for food
From elephants taking people on rides
Doing gymnastics in the streets
From little baby elephants being taken away from their parents
To be starved for days on end, broken into submission

Thailand elephants are from crying for help
With a voice that must be heard
Elephants are from emotions
From shedding one solitary tear from their eyes
From happy moments
To sad and depressing ones

Thailand elephants are from crying for help
With a voice that must be heard
Thailand Elephants are from the joy of seeing friends again
From being cared for by smiling faces and friendly hands
From comfortable sanctuary instead of a life of torture
From seeing that someone cares for them
From spraying themselves with water from a pond
To roaming free

Thailand elephants are from crying for help
With a voice that must be heard
From stepping on land mines
To having loving people make prosthetic legs for them
From having a broken leg, yet still having to work
From elephant hospitals starting to arise
From people caring for these fascinating beings

Thailand elephants are from crying for help
With a voice that must be heard
People this cruelty must stop
Ring out with your voices
Think with your hearts
How could this go on for so long
Our fellow creatures are in trouble
And need our help
Always remember
Speak with your heart
The voice for elephants

Thank you to Ms. Morton and all her students who continue to fight to save elephants!


Windy Borman

Producer, Director and Writer, The Eyes of Thailand