FAE's Mobile Vets visit an Elephant camp in Thailand

FAE's Mobile Vets visit an Elephant camp in Thailand

In addition to providing comprehensive veterinary care at the Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) Elephant Hospital in Lampang, Thailand, FAE also offers a Mobile Vet Clinic for elephant owners and camps that cannot afford to bring their elephants to Soraida Salwala (the Founder), and the vets, Dr. Preecha and Dr. Kay.

Dr. Kay treats a patient during her Mobile Vet visit.

Dr. Kay treats a patient during her Mobile Vet visit.

While one of FAE’s goals is to recognize working elephants under the Endangered Species Act in Thailand–currently elephants in captivity are considered livestock and not an “endangered species”, even if they were originally caught in the wild–FAE’s overwhelming concern is to treat and protect every elephant from illness, abuse and neglect.

Dr. Kay with Boonthong and her baby

Dr. Kay with Boonthong and her baby

On January 10, 2010, Dr. Kay (in the green) visited this elephant camp and treated work elephants at an Elephant Camp.
