In 1993, Soraida Salwala opened the world’s first Asian Elephant Hospital to treat elephants that are ill or injured as a result of work, abuse or neglect.  To date, she and her staff have treated over 2,000 elephants for everything from eye infections to knife wounds, gunshot wounds, broken bones and landmine injuries.

While Mosha continues to adjust to her new prosthetic limb (See June 12th post), the staff at Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) are treating four new patients: Thongkeaw, Namfon, Somsri and Kamchan.

Thongkeaw, a 30-year old female, arrived on June 6, 2009  because both of her temporal glands have been swollen for the past three months (sizes : 16 x 16 c.m. and 18 x 19 c.m.) According to Soriada, there is “no sign of musth shown but the skin on the gland is thinning.  At least she has come into our care and we shall do our best, as always.”

Thongkeaw arrives back at FAE.

Thongkeaw arrives back at FAE.

Namfon was disowned by her mother, Boonpan, shorty after she was born on April 27, 2009.  Because elephants are social creatures, they learn parenting skills from the matriarchs in their herd.  Namfon’s mother never learned how to be a mother and therefore tried to trample Namfon when she attempted to nurse.   Soraida writes, “We tried to persuade Boonpan to recognize her own baby but her behaviour this morning was the intention to kill. They have to stay in different Infirmaries away from each other… Boonpan killed her first offspring and [Namfon, which means “rain water”] is her second. We would not risk the baby’s life and shall do our best to make the two happy.”  After several unsuccessful atempts, FAE found an elephant from a nearby elephant camp who just weaned a baby to be Namfon’s wet nurse.  Several weeks later, she is beginning to gain some weight.

Namfon is steadily gaining weight after getting a wet nurse.

Namfon is steadily gaining weight after getting a wet nurse.

Somsri, a 35-year old female who suffered from bloat  and was treated at FAE last year, is back at the Elephant Hospital. Soraida writes:

She has the same symptoms as Kamnoi (who had convulsion) and we are very much worried. Information given to us is quite worrisome because Somsri was chained in the same area Kamnoi was. However, Somsri is going to be given antibiotics and anti-toxin, blood sample to be sent for any toxic or chemicals. She walks fast and head pushing forward just like Kamnoi.  The keeper says she has been in this condition for the past 15 days!!!!!! Fifteen days! They should have not waited this long.

Somsri arrives at FAE for tests.

Somsri arrives at FAE for tests. The staff put a chain on her foot to keep her from wandering off and getting more injuries.

Kamchan has had a swollen leg and cloudy left eye for the past three days. Soraida writes, “I am awaiting more details from our vets.”

Soraida and staff are trying to learn why Kamchan has a cloudy eye, among other health issues.

Soraida and staff are trying to learn why Kamchan has a cloudy eye, among other health issues.

Soraida and FAE clearly have their hands full.  To learn more and to continue to support their work, please visit: