I have received a few comments from people in the U.S. that they heard Motala‘s first prosthesis broke.  I can confirm that, yes, the prosthetic limb did break.  It actually crumpled last week when she laid on it.  The good news is Friends of the Asian Elephant and the Prostheses Foundation worked together to repair and reinforce Motala’s prosthetic limb.

Staff from the Prostheses Foundation repairs and reinforces Motala's prosthetic.

Staff from the Prostheses Foundation repairs and reinforces Motala's prosthetic.

Motala's reapired prosthetic

Motala's repaired prosthetic


As you can see, she is back on her feet and doing well!  Thank you for your support and please stay tuned for more updates.


Windy Borman

Producer, Writer and Director The Eyes of Thailand