Dr. Therchai, Associate Professor of the Prostheses Foundation, inspects Motala's prosthesis at the FAE Elephant Hospital.

Dr. Therchai, Associate Professor of the Prostheses Foundation, inspects the prosthesis for Motala, an elephant landmine survivor at the FAE Elephant Hospital.

March 13, 2010–Today is Thailand’s National Elephant Day.  I asked Soraida Salwala, the founder of the Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) Elephant Hospital, what the national holiday means to her and the staff and elephants at FAE’s Elephant Hospital.  She write:

The National Elephant Day was named in 1998 on the day they named “White Elephant” as the National Animal.
For us at Friends of the Asian Elephant, every day is the elephant’s day. We have them around us, taking care of them, treating them, watching the babies grow, closing their eyes when their time come, we feel the pains every day.
One day is not enough for them, we need to care for them every day of our lives.

It is clear that one day of recognition is not enough to save Asian Elephants from the overwork, abuse, or injuries they sustain in Thailand–or the rest of the world–or keep these endangered creatures from going extinct. It is my hope that The Eyes of Thailand documentary will shed light on their plight and inspire viewers to take action! Thank you for supporting us on our quest to save them.


Windy Borman

Director & Producer, The Eyes of Thailand

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Note: Donors who donate US $100 or more will be listed in the film’s credits.  Thank you!