You’ve heard the expression “the elephant in the room”. Well, we’re happy to share that people can’t help but talk about “the elephants in the PRESS-room”.

The buzz around “The Eyes of Thailand” world premiere has been amazing! Below are some sound bytes from the press:

‘The Eyes of Thailand’ is both tragic and triumphant, tied up with a message of hope that the best will prevail. – OC Social Scene

I laughed, I awwwed, I cried and was very moved… Windy Borman and company proved to me that good movies can be American made. – Fierce and Nerdy

‘The Eyes of Thailand’ means to open viewers’ eyes to the plights of these elephants, as they parallel those of human land mine victims… [The film] illustrates [Soraida] Salwala’s dedication, her insistence that elephants not be forgotten. – PopMatters

‘The best documentaries are the ones that can get to the heart of a larger issue by focusing in on a specific case… Borman’s film captures the trials and triumphs of Salwala and the elephants, Mosha and Motala, while also raising awareness about how landmines are still being used.’ – FilmSlate Magazine

World’s largest landmine survivors walk again with human help and ingenuity. “Eyes of Thailand” concentrates on an absolutely voiceless constituency—elephants—and the heroic efforts of Soraida Salwala… The video… [is] an emotional tripwire. –

This documentary tells a story about love, compassion and wondrous deeds of dedicated people, and skillfully enlightens the viewer about the cruelty and vast use of land mines — not just in Thailand and Burma but throughout the world. –

Soraida is a warm, big-hearted and passionate muse, kind of like a Mother Therese for the elephants. Her caring is charismatic as it is compelling. – LA Splash

Additionally, both Director/Producer Windy Borman and Producer Tim VandeSteeg were interviewed by OC Films on the red carpet (above). You can watch the video stream via LiveStream. [Note: It’s currently the 2nd video down in the library].

Windy also appeared in IndieWire’s Women and Hollywood in April. You can read the full article here.

We know our publicist has more up his sleeve, and we’ll post them to our Facebook page and Twitter account as they come in. Stay tuned!

You can also help us spread the “buzz” by adding web banners, images or the trailer to your website via the film’s Pressroom. Check it out!