Happy New Year, Ele-Friends! While we’re looking forward to announcing BIG things in 2012 (ahem! like the World Premiere of “The Eyes of Thailand” film), we also want to acknowledge our accomplishments in 2011.

Last year we:

  • Edited “The Eyes of Thailand” trailer at Remedy Editorial (If you haven’t seen the new cut, check it out and share it with your friends).
  • Edited the film with Gary Schillinger and got to “Picture Lock”.
  • Began production on the film’s animation with Tahnee Gehm.
  • Began composing the film’s score with Steve Horner.
  • Worked with Annabel Nguyen to design a beautiful new poster (which you can receive as a donation “perk” when you donate to the film).
  • Updated http://www.eyesofthailand.com with SeenDesigns (If you haven’t seen it lately, check it out!).
  • Collaborated with international artist Annabel Ruffel to create “The Eyes of Thailand” painting (another donation “perk“).
  • Received an ACE Grant from the Humane Society of the United States.
  • Raised over $7,500 through tax-deductible donations to cover the costs of all of the above.

Thank you for all your support and please join us in giving an “Ele-Friend” Shout Out to all of the donors who supported us in 2011!

Aimee Reiss

Alaina Zepeda

Amelie Frank

Anne Wasson

Ashley Martin

Ayumi Ashley

Belinda Ogley

Carlyn Montes De Oca

Carmen Mendieta

Carol & Stewart Kriss

Chanel Brown

Cynthia Pepper & Val Hornstein

Daniela Rible

Dhaivat Shah

Diana Iles Parker

Elephant E-ctivism

Fiona Mackie

Jack Watson

Jacqueline Eichman

James Boyle & Jennifer Kincaid

Jamie Sirgany

Jaqueline Frierman

Jennifer Bradwell

Jennifer Cote

Jimmy Jo Allen

Joel Reger

Josie nedved

Julia O. Tryk

June Billings

Karen Mulligan Linarelli

Karin Kelly-Givens

Kelly Winters

Laura McLennan

Laure A. Wiliams

Lee Holen

Lori & Wayne Aus

Maria Gloria Salinas Picon

Marilyn Eidenberg

Mark Lefko

Nela Fry

Kate Reding Coreson

Patty Coggan

Paul Hannon

Peter Hewitson

Rachel Caplan

Robert & Danuta Vanderbeek

Robert Dove

Ruthie Cassidy

Ruthy Effler

Sarah Kraft

Sarah Schwarzchild

Stacy Miller

Susan Allsbrook

Susan Beckett

Ted Durongbhand & family

William Matheu

Wendy Morgan

And a special thank you to all our Anonymous donors.

Thank you for joining us in our quest to protect Asian Elephants and ban landmines around the world. We could not do it without you!


Windy Borman

Director/Producer, “The Eyes of Thailand”

P.S. 2011 was a banner year, but stay tuned for some BIG announcements coming soon…live streaming movie online