Baby Namfon walks down to her new nursery near Motala.

Baby Namfon walks down to her new nursery near Motala.

Soraida emailed the following update on Baby Namfon, who was rejected by her mother and has been nursed at the FAE Elephant Hospital since this spring, and Motala, the elephant landmine survivor who received her her first prosthetic limb on August 15, 2009–10 years after stepping on a landmine:

Motala is quite interested in Baby Namfon. When Namfon walked down, the baby was only looking for what was new to her. Now, Motala is always watching the Baby and Namfon is fond of playing in the bath tub. She is getting to know Aunty Motala, standing there, talking together and climbs into the bath once again. What a sight!

Asso. Prof. Therdchai and his team [from the Prostheses Foundation] will be here this afternoon to work on Motala’s Prosthetic Leg. Hope the noises from the machines would not scare the Baby.


Soraida, Motala and Asso. Prof. Therdchai all appear in the documentary, The Eyes of Thailand.  We are currently raising post-production funds to distribute the film in 2010.  Please continue to support our efforts by making a tax-deductible donation through the film’s fiscal sponsor, The San Francisco Film Society, by clicking here.

Thank you,

Windy Borman

Producer, Writer and Director, The Eyes of Thailand