Prostheses Foundation staff take a sand cast of Motala's leg for a new prosthetic.

Today the Prostheses Foundation returned to the Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) Elephant Hospital to remake Motala’s prosthesis.  This will be the elephant landmine survivor’s fourth prosthetic limb since August 2009 when I filmed her taking her first steps on four legs since stepping on a landmine on the Thai-Myanmar border in 1999.

Mae Ka Pae rests her healing hind foot.

While the staff began the two-day process of sand-casting, molding and welding, the T-Touch volunteers continued working on Mosha, Boonmee and Mae Ka Pae, the three other landmine survivors at FAE. Just look at the difference in Boonmee and Mosha after two days of craniosacral therapy and T-Touch!

Boonmee on November 1, 2010

John and Somchai perform T-Touch while Dr. Preecha watches.

But it wasn’t all work. FAE also has three baby elephants—Dante, Veto and Champoo (which means “pink” in Thai)—and their mothers at the hospital.

Kamnoi and Dante stroll in the sun.

Baby Dante says "Sawadee kop"

Stay tuned for pictures from the second day of prostheses building!

Elephant Size Hugs to Jodi Frediani for sharing her beautiful photos of the elephants at FAE.


Windy Borman

Director/Producer, The Eyes of Thailand