I founded DVA Productions as a socially conscious production company in 2006. As a white, female-owned company, I believe we have walked this socially conscious walk over the past 14 years. However, being “socially conscious” is not enough.

If we truly desire a world where Black Lives Matter, being aware of racism and conscious of bias is not enough. Creating inclusive, intersectional feminist films, raising equity funds from gender diverse investors, and striving for equal representation on both sides of the camera is not enough.

The past weeks I have seen clearly and heard loudly: being non-racist is not the same as being anti-racist.

Consequently, we are actively evolving the company’s mission statement and daily business practices to be anti-racist, as well as building coalitions for the future. It will take time and effort; nevertheless, I am committed to doing it.

Concurrently, I also realize this moment is not about me, which is why we are also adapting our social media messaging to uplift and amplify the voices and work of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, POC, and LGBTQIA+ activists.

If you would like to discuss and share resources about how we can use film and media as a catalyst for anti-racism, please reach out.

Your co-citizen, colleague, and collaborator in this work,

Windy Borman

Founder, DVA Productions