In 1993, Soraida Salwala opened the world’s first Asian Elephant Hospital to treat elephants that are ill or injured as a result of work, abuse or neglect. Elephants have always had a special place in Soraida’s heart, but she found her calling at eight-years old when she saw an elephant get put down after being hit by a truck because there was no place to take him. This experience stuck with her and she has made it her life’s mission to save every elephant in Thailand through her work at the Friends of the Asian Elephant in Lampang, Thailand. To date, she and her staff have treated over 2,000 elephants for everything from eye infections to knife wounds, gunshot wounds, broken bones and landmine accidents.

In this blog, you can learn about the current events and situations effecting the Thai Asian Elephants, the patients at FAE’s Elephant Hospital and how you can get involved.

To learn more about Soraida and the Friends of the Asian Elephant, please visit:

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Soraida hugs a patient at the Asian Elephant Hospital

Soraida hugs a patient at the Asian Elephant Hospital