I am thrilled to announce that in less than a month we’ve raised over US $2,000 for “The Eyes of Thailand” through our IndieGoGo campaign!  Thanks to donations from our “Ele-Friends” like you, we’re well on our way to securing the US $75,000 needed to complete the Film and submit it to film festivals this fall.

If you haven’t visited our IndieGoGo page, yet, please read the details below and then click here to make your tax-deductible donation today and learn how to share it with your friends.

Our Goal & Donation Perks

Director/Producer Windy Borman filming in Thailand (2009).

Director | Producer Windy Borman began filming “The Eyes of Thailand” in 2007. Thanks to your support over the last 4 years, the filming is complete and we’re ready to begin the Post-production phase. After approximately 16 weeks, the Film will be complete and ready to submit to film festivals.

We need US $75,000 to complete the “The Eyes of Thailand” and get it ready to submit to film festivals by the end of 2011. The current funds sought will be allocated to the Post-production costs of the Film, which include: crew wages; celebrity narrator; editing; visual effects; music composer/score; animation; color correction; transfer costs; music and stock footage rights; lab fees; film festival submissions; producers’ and director’s fees; and business, insurance and legal expenses.

We know it’s a big goal, but we also know we can do it with your help! Plus, we’ve gathered some GREAT perks for our Ele-Friends, including:

Win a FREE 15-day Trip for 2 in Thailand from Intrepid Travel

For more information on the Donation Perks, please visit http://ht.ly/5Wntb . We’ll add to it as more perks are available, so check back often.

NOTE: ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE thanks to our fiscal sponsor, the San Francisco Film Society.

If we don’t reach our fundraising goal of $75,000, we will still push the Film through to completion; it just may take longer to complete, which means delaying the impact we can make to protect endangered Asian Elephants and pressure all governments to sign the Mine Ban Treaty.

If we exceed our Fundraising Goal, we will apply the funds toward the Film’s Marketing and Publicity budget so we can make a bigger splash when we hit the film festival circuit in 2012.

Our Impact

Our social and environmental goals for “The Eyes of Thailand” are to:

  • Educate and inspire viewers to protect Asian Elephants, and
  • Encourage all governments to ban the use of landmines

Our ultimate hope is to convey the added sense of urgency for people and organizations worldwide to pressure Thailand to change its laws to protect the dwindling number of Asian Elephants. If nothing is done, the species will become extinct within the next 50 years, producing devastating effects on the environment, as well as the social and cultural structure of the country.

Other Ways You Can Help

In addition to donating to “The Eyes of Thailand“, you can help spread the word by joining our Facebook Page, following us on Twitter and suggesting us to your friends. There are some handy “share” tools on IndieGoGo to make this easier, so please check them out, too.

If you really want to be a Social Media Star, you can help promote “The Eyes of Thailand” fundraising campaign to your network. Email friends, give us shout outs on Facebook and Twitter, mention us in your Newsletters and Blogs, and add a link to the Film on your website.

The Choclatiqu Collection

15-piece Choclatique Collection, including a dark chocolate elephant

Not feeling techie? No problem. You can also host a Party with a Purpose for your “Ele-Friends” in honor of “The Eyes of Thailand”.

  1. Host a dinner party, dance party, game night, etc. and have a suggested donation at the door.
  2. Play “The Eyes of Thailand” trailer, which you can find on our website and YouTube.
  3. Ask your friends to donate to “The Eyes of Thailand” film.
  4. Pool the donations and make a large donation online.

In fact, if you donate $5,000 or more, you qualify for a Private Screening with Director Windy Borman for you and 25 friends!

Our Story

"The Eyes of Thailand" Poster

D.V.A. Productions, in Association with Indiewood Pictures, is producing the powerful and hard-hitting feature documentary “The Eyes of Thailand“, a true and inspirational story of one woman’s quest to help two elephant landmine survivors—Motala and Baby Mosha—walk on their own four legs. Treating their wounds was only part of the journey; building elephant-sized prostheses was another.

Told in the style of “The Cove” (2009), “Born into Brothels” (2004) and “Gorillas in the Mist” (1988), “The Eyes of Thailand” is a touching and uplifting story of how far one woman will go to ease the suffering of an endangered species.

The Film is Directed and Produced by Windy Borman and Produced by award-winning producer Tim VandeSteeg. Watch movie online John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)