Mosha, one of the elephants featured in "The Eyes of Thailand" elephant documentary.

June 30, 2010– We’re in the final hours of our fundraising push…

In order to help independent films reach their fund-raising goals, IndieGoGo has offered to donate an additional 5% to any film that hits its goal by TODAY (June 30, 2010).

We’ve set a goal of $2,000 and we think we can make it–especially since we’re already over 80% of the way there!

While this goal will not cover ALL our expenses, it will help us:

  • transcribe all 50 hours of footage,
  • pay to finish our web site upgrades, and
  • start writing the script for the video editor

We’ve raised $1,635 to date, so we only need $365 to go to hit our goal.  Do you have $5, $10, $25 or $50 to help us reach $2,000 by midnight TONIGHT (June 30, 2010)?

I know many of you have already donated to The Eyes of Thailand via financial and/or in-kind donations, so you are aware that ALL Donations are tax-deductible via our fiscal sponsor, the San Francisco Film Society. But can you find it in your heart and your wallet to help us reach this new milestone?

We still have a long way to go if we want to be able to release a high-quality film on par with other Academy-Award winning films, such as The Cove (2009), but with your help I’m optimistic we can do it!

Every donation brings us one step closer to releasing The Eyes of Thailand and educating the world about the plight of Asian elephants and the on-going threat of landmines.

If everyone reading this blog donates $10 by midnight PST, we’ll make our goal! Please show your support by donating TODAY!

Thank you! Krup kum ka!

Windy Borman

Director & Producer, The Eyes of Thailand

P.S. Thank you for supporting our quest to produce and distribute “The Eyes of Thailand” elephant documentary. As always, if you have any leads to family foundations, corporate sponsorships or would like to discuss investing in the film, please leave a comment and I’ll contact you off-blog. Cheers!