Mark your calendars! On Sunday, March 13, 2011, we will release the newly edited trailer for “The Eyes of Thailand” elephant documentary.

We gave our 1,200+ Facebook Fans an opportunity to attend an Online Sneak Peek of the newly edited film trailer on February 28, 2010. This weekend we will unveil a dramatic, thrilling, new trailer that features footage from the 2010 documentary production trip to Thailand and Laos, including interviews with Soraida Salwala (FAE), Dr. Therchai Jivacite (Prostheses Foundation), Richard Lair (TECC), Galen Garwood, Paul Hannon (Mines Action Canada) and Reth Tun (ICBL).

Be sure to check back in three days!

-Windy Borman

Director/Producer, “The Eyes of Thailand”