Yesterday, we gave our 1,200+ Facebook Fans an opportunity to attend an Online Sneak Peek of the newly edited film trailer for “The Eyes of Thailand“. Thanks to Remedy Editorial in San Francisco, CA, we unveiled a dramatic, thrilling new trailer that featured footage from the 2010 documentary production trip to Thailand and Laos. It featured Soraida Salwala (FAE), Dr. Therchai Jivacite (Prostheses Foundation), Richard Lair (TECC), Galen Garwood, Paul Hannon (Mines Action Canada) and Reth Tun (ICBL).

Special thanks to: Jeffrey Boyette and Scott Compton (Remedy Editorial), Ayumi Ashley (Color Correction), Marc Pittman (Sound Mix), and Amie Penwell (Music).

Next steps:
“The Eyes of Thailand” is currently in post-production and we hope to have a complete film ready for film festival submissions in September. You can help us by:

  1. Inviting your friends to “Like” the Facebook page.
  2. Following us on Twitter.
  3. Making a tax-deductible donation to the film, via our fiscal sponsor (the San Francisco Film Society), by clicking the Donate link on our website.
  4. Contacting Director/Producer Windy Borman if you have leads to foundations, corporate sponsors or wish to inquire about investment details.

If you missed the Sneak Peek, have no fear. The trailer goes live across the internet on March 13th for Thailand’s National Elephant Day.

Thanks for joining us and stay tuned for more exclusive updates!

-Windy Borman
Director/Producer, “The Eyes of Thailand”

More info:
D.V.A. Productions, in Association with Indiewood Pictures, is proud to present the powerful and hard-hitting feature documentary “The Eyes of Thailand”.

“The Eyes of Thailand” is the inspirational story of one woman’s quest to help two elephant landmine survivors–Motala and Baby Mosha–walk on their own four legs. Treating their wounds was only part of the journey; building elephant-sized prostheses was another. Directed and Produced by Windy Borman. Produced by Tim VandeSteeg.
