Below is a recent update on Mosha from Soraida Salwala, Founder of the Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) Elephant Hospital:

Mosha has grown taller and her prosthetic leg is being made to make her front two legs on the same level. I have the railing for Mosha to place her right leg on so other legs can rest and the weight will not harm her two hind legs.
Soraida Salwala
Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE)

Staff finishes adjustments on Mosha's new leg

Staff finishes adjustments on Mosha's new leg

Mosha rests her leg on the railing to relieve the pressure on her hind legs.

Mosha rests her leg on the railing to relieve the pressure on her hind legs.

Close up of Mosha's 2nd prosthetic leg.

Close up of Mosha's 2nd prosthetic leg.

Mosha tests her new prosthetic leg.

Mosha tests her new prosthetic leg.

Note: Mosha is one FAE patient featured in the documentary, “The Eyes of Thailand”.