Sawadee ka! Today is Thailand’s National Elephant Day. Even though everyday feels like “Elephant Day” for us at the Friends of the Asian Elephant, today is extra special because we have an important announcement:

Actress and wildlife and environmental activist Ashley Judd will lend her voice to the powerful and award-winning documentary, “The Eyes of Thailand“, Directed and Produced by Windy Borman and Produced by award-winning producer Tim VandeSteeg.

We also want to thank all of our “Ele-Friends” who donated to our last IndieGoGo online fundraiser. Together we raised $8,912 and 15% is going directly to FAE’s Elephant Hospital!

Elephant-sized Thank Yous to everyone who donated:

Alaina Zepeda

Amelie Frank

Anthony R. Miller
Argo Films
Ayumi Ashley
Barbara Rowe
Barbara Shepler
Benjamin Nowicki
Beth Mathiowetz
Bill Matheu
Carl Petersen
Carolyn Dickenson
Cheri Waltz
Christina Platou
Christopher Pavsek
Colin Scott
Cora Moore
Daniel Heber
David Hall
David Hirschmann
Denise & Gary Leo
Eleanor Burgess
Fernest Navarre
Franck Bensoussan
Gabrielle Cavalier
Gloria Hernandez
Greg & Stacy Hetrick
Jack Watson
Jackie Jacobus
Jennifer Cote
Jesse H. Ficks
Jill C Brooke
Jody Stickney
John and Kerry Levin
John Lisy
John Shepler
Joseph Sugarman
Judith Vogelsang
Julia Tryk
Kate Neligan
Kathleen Shecter
Kenneth Gomez
Kim James
Kristen McMartin
LanAnh Hoang
Lauren Drell
Leigh Ann Evanson
Leslie C Sodaro
Leslie Sodaro
Lieve Cuypers
Lori Killen Aus
Louise M Bishop
Lynn Eidenberg
Maile Maxwell
Margo DeBeir
Margo Schaefer
Marilyn Papa
Mark Northcross
Marlene Brito
Mascha Poppenk
Matt and Krisy Alexander
Melanie Kendal
Meno Vos
Michael Cheung
Mike Nead
Nora Sheets
Paige Barrows
Peggie Bennett
Perry R. Cook, Humbug Sonic Arts
Rebecca Brocies
Ruthie Cassidy
Ruthy Effler
Ryan Lynch
Sheryl Lazarov
Soroya Cordery
Stefanie Epstein
Stephanie Frisselle
Susan Allsbrook
Susan Beckett
Tanya Vlach
Tawnya Bhattacharya & Ali Laventhol
Thada Suksila
Tiffany Bryan
Wendy Morgan
Zoey Siwek

And a special Thank You to all our Anonymous donors.

Trunks up!

-Mosha & Motala