Intimacy Coordinators (also referred to as “ICs”) help to create a safer environment on film sets for performers during scenes involving nudity, simulated sex, and other types of intimate content, while also helping the director to realize their creative vision.

The Role of an Intimacy Coordinator includes:

  • Advocating for performers
  • Liaising and negotiating between the actors and production
  • Facilitating clear communication and consent between actors
  • Ensuring adherence to proper protocols (e.g. closed sets, modesty garments, union guidelines, etc).
  • Choreographing and movement coaching when requested

Curious to learn more about learn more about Intimacy Coordinators? Check out these resources:

  1. Intimacy Directors & Coordinators (IDC)
  2. Intimacy Professionals Association (IPA)
  3. Intimacy Coordinators of Color (ICOC)
  4. Theatrical Intimacy Education (TIE)
  5. Hire Survivors
  6. SAG-AFTRA: “Sex, Nudity, and You”

Think you might need an Intimacy Coordinator on your production? Reach Out

Intimacy Coordinators help to create a safer environment on film and TV sets for performers during scenes involving nudity, simulated sex, and other types of intimate content, while also helping the director to realize their creative vision.

Intimacy Professionals Association