Shared experiences are powerful tools to open hearts and minds.

Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Producing one of her performances remains one of the highlights of my career. Today I strive to embody the spirit of her words in all my productions by asking, “How do I want people to feel when they experience this?”

My Event Production Journey

My personal mission is to curate and craft stories that promote curiosity, equity, and serenity.

– Windy Borman

What began with an interest to appear on stage, eventually morphed into working behind-the-scenes. By combining my passions for storytelling and D.E.I., with my ability to leverage media for community engagement, I directed “The Vagina Monologues”, produced performances for Dr. Maya Angelou and Margaret Cho, and hosted the Tibetan monks, all before graduating with degrees in Journalism and Theatre Arts from the University of Oregon.

After graduation, I continued to create social impact through performance by teaching middle school drama and dance in New York City Public Schools with Teacher For America. During this time I simultaneously instructed over 300 students per year, while earning my M.S. in Teaching, which I continue to utilize when designing a creative journey or emotional arc for an audience through an experience. Learn more about me

Today I produce digital content and live events for thought leaders so they can educate, empower, and engage their audiences to create global change. I have produced events for corporate clients such as Amazon, HP, Intel, Roku, and Tableau. I have also directed integrated media to supplement the live performances via storytelling across video, events, print, and social.

I am thrilled to see my interests converge as event productions adopt new technologies to integrate live, remote, and virtual experiences into hybrid event spaces for a shared user experience. And yet, I continue to ask my clients, “How do you want your audiences to FEEL when they experience this?”

Now your turn: How do you want your audience to feel at your next event?

Contact me today!

Maya Angelou quote reads, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"